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Brand Introduction
"KPAW" is a leading brand that has emerged in the chess and card game market in recent years. With a focus on a variety of automatic card dealing machines, the brand is known for its advanced technology and unique design. It has achieved significant success in both technological innovation and market expansion, gaining widespread recognition from both casual players and professionals alike. As the flagship brand under Weixing Chuangke, KPAW is committed to continuous innovation, aiming to provide players with a more convenient, speedy, and fair gaming experience, consistently solidifying its leading position in the industry.
Brand Philosophy
「 Technological Innovation 」
Represents KPAW's continuous focus on technology and its unwavering determination to push boundaries. The brand views technology as a driving force, not only seeking innovation on the basis of existing products but also constantly exploring new possibilities at the forefront of changing user demands.
「 Make life better 」
Is KPAW's commitment to user value. Through technological innovation, the brand aims to create a more convenient and enjoyable life experience for users,enabling people to relax and enjoy their entertainment moments more easily.
This philosophy reflects KPAW's integration of technology and life, striving to bring users a new and better way of life. ...
Committed to technological innovation to make life better
Ace Products
Suitable for multiple card types, supports all gameplay, and includes shuffle and deal functions
Suitable for multiple card types, supports all gameplay
Applicable to multiple card types, supporting all gameplay, directional bidding and trading
Wireless remote controler
Remote control, convenient and fast
Office phone: 0755-29480079 Sales phone: +86-18822861264 Email:
Address: Shenzhen Headquarters: Room 958, 9th Floor, Jiaxiye Plaza, 318 Minzhi Avenue, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province.
Suzhou Branch: Room 302, 3rd Floor, Building 3, Zhongxuxin Technology Park, Industrial Park, Suzhou City.
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